Frequently Asked Questions
We value your time, so we’ve done our best to provide fast answers—all in one place. We’re happy to address some of your most frequently asked questions about our schools here. If you’re already a part of the WCC family, you can also find information about school policies in the parent handbook, located on our Current Families page. But please don’t hesitate to contact us if you can’t find what you’re looking for.
Why is early childhood education important?
Over 40 years of research shows the immense benefits—both educationally and socially—early childhood education has on children and families. Almost 80 percent of a child’s brain development occurs before the age of five. This critical window is the focus of ECE classrooms as they help prepare children for success in kindergarten and beyond.
What is your child care philosophy?
WCC believes in providing quality early childhood experiences through play. We value each child’s individual interests and facilitate their physical, emotional, and educational development. Learn more about our philosophy of education and our programs.
What are your staff qualifications?
All staff members must complete a thorough criminal background check prior to working at WCC. Our lead teachers meet (and often exceed) state licensing and NAEYC accreditation requirements; and most of our assistant teachers are also degreed. We invite you to meet our wonderful staff online or during one of our Visiting Days.
How do I enroll my child at WCC?
We are thrilled to welcome new members to our community! WCC is licensed to care for children ages two through five years old. And while our school year begins in August, all children must have their second birthday by September 1 to start preschool. Please visit our Application page for information about enrolling your child at one of our schools.
What if my child requires medication or becomes ill during the school day?
We will administer medication in accordance with state regulations and with physician and parental approval. Please complete our medication authorization form and bring medications in the original, labeled packaging to the front office of your child’s school.
If your child becomes ill while at WCC, we will remove him or her from classroom activities and contact you (or the contact provided on your emergency contact form) to pick up your child.
In order to maintain a healthy environment, please do not send your child to school with any of the following symptoms:
- Fever over 100.4°
- Thick or discolored nasal discharge
- Discharge from eyes or ears
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Unexplained rash
All children must be symptom-free, without the use of medications, for 24 hours prior to returning to school.
How does WCC handle allergies?
We ask that you alert us to any food or environmental allergies in your child’s Health Inventory. We post a list of children with allergies in each classroom and offer alternative snacks to those who have designated food allergies. As a safety precaution for all WCC students and staff, we ask that all parents send only peanuts-free snacks and treats with their child(ren).
What is Kindertales and how do I get a username and password to use it?
Kindertales is just another way we keep communication between home and school strong. It offers you an easy way to communicate with your child’s teacher, access to your child’s school records, and a platform for secure tuition payments. You should receive log-in information shortly after your child is enrolled in one of our programs. However, if you have misplaced that information, please call our office manager, Clare Cahill at 301- 229-7161.
What if I am going to be late picking up my child?
We automatically assess a late fee for all late pick-ups. You may pay those late fees on the Kindertales app. Chronic disregard for pick-up times could result in your child being withdrawn from our program. Learn more about fees and what constitutes a “late pick-up” in the family handbook.
I love what you’re doing at Westmoreland Children’s Center. How do I make a donation?
We greatly appreciate your support! There are many ways to give to WCC, and as a 501(c)3 organization, all your donations are tax deductible. Learn more about donation procedures on our Support WCC page.