Apply to WCC
Welcome to Westmoreland Children’s Center! We’re happy to have you here and look forward to getting to know you and your child. This page contains all the information you will need to apply at WCC.
First Steps
All children must meet the following age requirements by September 1 of the current school year to apply.
- Two (2) years by September 1 for the 2-year-old program
- Three (3) years by September 1 for the 3-year-old program
- Four (4) years by September 1 for the 4-year-old program
We also encourage you to take a physical or virtual tour of one of our children’s centers prior to submitting an application.
Application Process
We begin accepting applications for the upcoming school year in mid-November and close our application window in mid-August (or sooner depending on available spaces) prior to the start of school. We date applications when we receive them and place children within our program based on factors such as whether or not an older sibling is/has been enrolled at WCC, the child’s chronological age, family preschool needs, and the space we have available.
Please be sure to complete the application and submit it with the $125 application fee so we can consider it. In the event we cannot immediately place your child in a classroom, we will add him or her to our waiting list. After notification of placement, families have 72 hours to respond to WCC’s offer and make arrangements for the payment of their non-refundable deposit. After this time, we reserve the right to offer space to another child.
Applications and waiting lists do not carry forward to the following enrollment year.
We believe in the individuality of each child and make placement decisions based on a number of factors, including the following:
- Chronological age
- Availability of space
- Family preschool needs
- Parent and teacher recommendations
- Prior school experience